Got a little upset this week reading the news that somewhere at an auction in England a, obviously very wealthy, person paid $83,000,000.00 for a vase! Yes you read it right. It was a nice vase. It probably stood in some Chinese Emperor's living room. Whatever! I hope the receivers of that insane amount of money have better sense than the buyer. They will need a lot of wisdom. They will be able to do a lot of good if they choose so. Let's hope they will. But reflecting on these kind of things does not really help so let's move on to some real hope!
This morning my phone rang and my friend Matt from the St. Thomas Church in Shelby made my day. Matt and his team spoke in church yesterday. They shared the experiences they had in Haiti last month. They talked about the need the Matthew 28 orphanage has for a deep well with a water tower. They passed the plate for a special offering and they raised $8,000. Now that's my kind of auction. Everyone made an offer(ing) everyone did win! That's what makes a difference in this world. Kids and adults in Bohoc, Haiti will get better access to clean water. How do you think that will go over in a country where Cholera is rampant right now! Matt and his buddies are going back to Haiti. They want to build the water system. That's real hope! Thank God there is Living Water. Matt and his team have tasted that and want to be part of it. Let me know when you want to be involved too.