My mother used to read to us from a book called "Nobody's Boy" or as it's called in Dutch "Alleen op de Wereld". It is a very sad story about a boy called Remi who was abandoned as a baby somewhere in France. In those days I could not imagine that someone could do that. That's the story that has been in my head since I played with Jud-Love our newest member of the Matthew 28 family, this week.
I wonder when Jud-Love will discover that she has been abandoned. Will she ever get rid of the fear she went through when someone left her in the dark alley on the outside of the orphanage gate. How long was she there alone where she could have been eaten by a wild dog, before she was found. How many people almost stepped on her when they hurried by in the dark. How scary was it when the big gate creaked open and a strange person picked her up. Would she still remember her mommy if she were to come back. Who laid her there? Were they watching when she was picked up? How old is she really and where did she come from? What is her real name. Endless questions going through my mind. Just imagine her mind!
She smiled every once in a while. A good sign. Already some of her older "sisters" carry her around and proudly use her as their live doll. They love her and look out for her. Has she ever had that before? Most likely we will never know the answers to any of these questions.
But what I do know gives me peace just like the end of the book did long time ago. Her life will be different from Remi's but Jud Love is now home in a place where many people will love and care for her. Just as Remi she will not have a youth of riches or wealth, but she'll have food and a place to sleep. She will go to school and grow up with her many brothers and sisters. She will get to go to church on Sunday and sing in the little kids choir, clapping her little hands and wiggling her little feet. There will be so much more....
Jud-Love is our newest child but she is yours too when you support our work. And even if you don't, she is yours because all the children in this world are ours to take care of when they need it.
You were a child once too.