According to Google there are 100 million blogs so why even bother to make another one?
Here’s my reasoning. Just like with all the wealth in the world, the people that need money the most to survive do not have any. So also with the ability to communicate: the poor don’t have a way to do it.
A few weeks back I was in Haiti with a team from Fayetteville North Carolina. I know they must have wondered how it is possible that such suffering, so close to the US, goes largely unnoticed. When you ask me I think it is because there is not enough “news value” in it. Everyone knows that there are a lot of people in the world who are hungry every day. So what’s new?
New is that I am going to try as much as I can to get in the face of the wealthy world using a blog. Maybe no one will read it, maybe it will get some attention, I hope and pray it will.

We did a survey for a USAID grant. I am not sure if this will get us anywhere but it’s worth trying. We found that in the area where we have or want to reopen our feeding centers, there are almost 30,000 people living in places where we would hesitate to put our dog for the night. Right now,their eyes are focused on the sky waiting for the next hurricane system that might wipe out their shelters. It doesn’t take much, it happens all the time. The grant questions were largely redundant. Questions like: where do these people buy their food in local or regional markets. These people are so poor they will rarely if ever have some money in their lives, leave alone go to the market to buy food. They will have to live of what their little garden grows and that is very limited. Maybe handful of corn every two days.
If only Haiti had something to offer to this world in terms of minerals or oil, but all they have is rock.
Rock, disease, hunger, illiteracy and since the earthquake, large piles of rubble.
But maybe we need to start to see things different. Maybe THEY are what all of us need more than anything else.
In them, maybe God is giving us a last opportunity to really make a difference, to be His Love to them. Maybe THIS is why we have all that we have.
In a few weeks my wife and I hope to become grand parents for the first time. May our little grand daughter grow up in a world that knows its responsibility towards the ones that are in need.
Hein, I am really proud that you are doing this work! It is very difficult, even some of the CNN reporters are having trouble getting through! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHein, you and your wonderful wife are two of the most awesome people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and being able to call my friends. What you do is so wonderful and needed. It shouldn't matter to any of us what color or nationality a human being is, or for that matter what "disabilities" they may have. For me, the people that don't step up, criticize those that do or only look out for number one are the people with the TRUE disabilities and that type can be cured!! God Bless you and hang in there. When I started my dog rescue it looked hopeless for ever making a difference and I was told "just throw a peeble into the lake and when it reaches the other side it will be a wave!". You Hein have dropped a rock and it will become a tidal wave. Keep up the good work and we love you guys!!! I'm saving up to join you on one of your trips :-)